Informal news and reviews from The School's Visual Arts coordinator, a growing list of useful links and contacts with a particular emphasis on Rye and regional opportunities that might be useful for local visual artists, crafts practitioners and creatives.

Arty/Crafty opportunities in Rye

I’d like to spend a bit of time promoting some local Arts and Crafts initiatives that are taking place in the next couple of weeks.

Slow Train to Rye

Firstly ‘Slow Train to Rye’ is the new Richard Adams show at The Easton Rooms Rye Art Gallery starting 26th February (until 27 March).  Richard must be one of our most popular local artists and works entirely with chalk pastel!

Surface Meaning

Next, a project I’m involved in!!  ‘Surface Meaning’ is a showcase of 4 artists from The School Creative Centre exhibiting in the old House of Hastings, Queens Road, Hastings.  New work from Jillian Eldridge, Ben Fenton, Paula MacArthur and Nikki Tompsett.  Join us for the private view on 4th March between 6.30pm and 8.30pm or thereafter on Thurs, Fri, Sat on 11 to 4pm til 27th March.  It’s an interesting bunch of work, from found photos and text, to freestanding papier mache painting/sculptures, crispy pop art screen prints and canvases, and gorgeous abstracted paintings.

Setting up...

Do you know about Rye Art and Craft Fair, which is run by Alice Mason?  This is a new monthly selling fair at the Rye Community Centre.  It is focused on all things handmade, from paintings, prints, lampshades, teddy bears, felt, jewellery, vintage stuff including clothes and hats.  Alice offers stands at an extremely affordable rate per table, so if you were considering giving it a go I would highly recommend it!  People have quite a lot of freedom to present their work however they like. Some even brought gazebo’s! I had never seen the hall looking so dynamic.  The atmosphere was friendly and approachable, with a cafe area selling interesting food and soft drinks.  The next one is Saturday 5th March 10am to 4pm.  The entry is free, come and check it out!

Then on Tuesday 8th March there’s Tea Party II at The School Creative Centre, a relaxed networking opportunity for any kind of visual artist/designer/makers.  Its a chance to catch up with other local artists, discuss exhibitions and project ideas.  Bring your own stuff to promote and find out what’s going on locally.  There’ll also be representatives from Rother Arts Development and the De La Warr Pavilion…  From 1pm to 3pm.  Tea and homemade cake will be served, bring your own if you fancy it!

Mad March Fair Poster

Lastly is The Queens Head‘s Mad March Fair on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of March which will be from 11am to 8pm.  Free entry all day.  An eclectic mix of art and craft as well as homemade cakes and preserves. The pitches are free, with commission taken on sales (which will be used to purchase art supplies for their new workshops).  All artists, makers and crafters welcome.

They also have a new series of participatory art workshops tailored to the skills and crafts that people might want to try.  Their monthly Art Corner will take place on Sundays in their Function Room, and provide a safe, inclusive space to collaborate, create, express yourself, share ideas, learn new things and above all have fun!

I think that’s all for now.

Let me know if you want me to promote your local events and opportunities!



One Comment on “Arty/Crafty opportunities in Rye”

  1. Nikki Tompsett says:

    This was really stuff that was lurking in my head, so apologies for everything I have missed out or quoted incorrectly… Am keen to try and make this a regular thing, so email me at with your events, opportunities, feedback etc etc…

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